Operate Your Company in Thailand without Hassle

Factory License

In reality, not all factories are created equal. While some factory operators may just need to inform the authorities, others will be unable to begin operations unless a factory license is obtained. More information is provided below.

What Is a Factory?

A factory is defined as a building, place, or vehicle that employs seven or more workers with or without any machine for manufacturing, producing, assembling, packing, repairing, maintaining, testing, improving, processing, conveying, storing, or destroying anything included in the classes or types of factories currently listed in the Ministerial Regulations, and that is not a home.

The Ministry of Industry is responsible for regulating factory construction, operations, expansions, license issuing, and managing all connected problems such as pollution and safety in Thailand under the Factory Act B.E. 2535.

Each factory’s license duties are primarily determined by what it makes and a variety of other variables. These are the ones that come into play:

  • Factory size and type
  • The nature, kind, and quality of the factory’s products, and so on
  • The type of energy that will be consumed or produced in a manufacturing.
  • The kind, quality, origin, and proportion of raw resources to be used
  • Methods of environmental protection
  • Possibility of polluting the environment

Categorisation of Factories

Small-Sized Factories

If you operate a small plant, you do not need a license, but you must still follow the ministerial requirements. Small sized factories are those that do not pollute the environment, use machinery with engines of 20 horse power or less, and/or employ 20 or fewer workers. Factory Authorization: Obligation to Comply

Medium-Sized Factories

Medium-sized factories must inform the Ministry of their existence and can commence operations after they get a letter saying that their report has been recognized. Medium-sized factories emit little or no pollution, have engines that produce no more than 50 horsepower, and/or employ no more than 50 people. Notification Required for Factory License

Large-Sized Factories

Due to the fact that they generate pollution or environmental dangers, operate machinery with more than 50 horsepower, and/or employ more than 50 workers, large companies are needed to apply for a factory license from the competent government authorities prior to commencing operations. Factory Authorization: A license is required.

Factory License Renewal

The consideration period for a factory license is at least 90 days, during which time an official will check the manufacturing premises. The license is valid for five years after it is issued and must be renewed before it expires.

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