Protect Your Trademark Easier

Trademark Registration in Thailand

Do you have a unique logo that you use to identify your business, an idea, or a brand name? You should consider registering your trademark in Thailand to prevent competitors from duplicating your logo and, as a result, to protect your business and ideas.

Trademark in Thailand

Trademark registration in Thailand is done at the Thai Department of Intellectual Property and is common for marks used or proposed to be used on or in connection with goods to distinguish the goods with which the owner of such trademark is used from goods under the trademark of another person. To be allowed to register your trademark in Thailand, the logo must be unique, not forbidden by the Thailand Trademark Act, and not the same as or similar to a trademark registered by another person in Thailand. The Trademark Act also oversees the registration of service marks, certification marks, and collective markings, the process for which is the same as registering a trademark.

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